18 “Finding Nemo” Fish Species: See Them In Real Life!


Do you remember the Disney movie “Finding Nemo?” It was a huge hit when it came out in theaters over a decade ago. The story of a clownfish named Marlin who goes on a journey to find his son, Nemo, captured the hearts of people all around the world.

If you loved that movie, you’re going to love this blog post! We’re going to take a look at some of the fish species that were featured in “Finding Nemo” and see them in their natural habitats. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Hammerhead shark (Anchor)

Anchor is a large, intimidating hammerhead shark who acts as the leader of the Fish-Friendly Sharks who frequent the Dentist’s Office near Sydney Harbor in Finding Nemo.

He presides over all of the other sharks, who have made a pact to stop eating fish and become vegetarian. Anchor greatly respects this agreement, and is determined to keep the other sharks in line.

Hammerhead shark species can be found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. Hammerheads can reach up to 20 feet in length, and they are easily recognizable due to their unique shaped head.

They have excellent vision, which helps them hunt for prey. Hammerhead sharks also have electroreception, which allows them to sense weak electric fields generated by living organisms. This helps them locate prey in murky water or at night. Hammerheads typically feed on squid, octopuses, and small fish.

2. Porcupine Pufferfish (Bloat).

Bloat is one of Marlin and Dory’s companions during their journey in “Finding Nemo.” These fish are also called blowfish, balloonfish, or globefish. They have a distinctive ability to puff up into a nearly spherical shape when threatened.

Porcupine Pufferfish come in shades of cream, yellow, white, brown, and even black. They are found in tropical waters around the world, including near coral reefs or sea grass beds.

When food is scarce, these fish can survive on their own slime without feeding for weeks at a time. To find food, they primarily use their sensitive lips to detect prey.

Porcupine Pufferfish grow up to about 40 cm in length and can live up to 10 years. They are usually quite peaceful towards other fish, but they should not be kept with smaller fish as they may eat them.

3. Great White Shark (Bruce).

In “Finding Nemo,” Bruce is a great white shark who has made a promise to his fellow sharks that they will no longer eat fish. He serves as an important mentor figure for Nemo and Marlin, helping them find their way back home and inspiring them with his determination and dedication.

Bruce’s character is a reminder that even the enemies of the sea are capable of changing and can be kind-hearted when given the chance. He is voiced by Barry Humphries in the original English version of the film.

Great white sharks are known for their powerful bodies, sharp teeth, and intimidating presence. They usually range from 11 to 16 feet long, but some specimens have been reported reaching lengths of up to 20 feet!

Great whites are found in all major oceans and typically live close to the coastlines. They prefer warm temperate waters, but they can also tolerate colder temperatures.

Despite their fearsome reputation, great whites are actually quite timid towards humans and rarely attack people unprovoked.

4. Yellow Tang (Bubbles).

The cheerful yet wise-cracking yellow tang fish is one of the most recognizable characters from Pixar’s hit movie Finding Nemo. His trademark smile and bubbly attitude make him a fan favorite, but there’s more to this character than meets the eye.

In real life, yellow tangs are an incredibly hardy species of fish found in coral reefs across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

They are often brightly colored yellow or orange, with black stripes running down the length of their bodies. Yellow tangs can live up to 20 years in captivity and tend to reach a size of around 6 inches.

5. Goldfish (Chuckles).

Chuckles the goldfish is another memorable fish featured in “Finding Nemo”. This iconic character is a Comet Goldfish, a species that originates from Eastern Asia.

Also known as Carassius auratus, they are one of the most popular and easily recognizable aquarium fishes due to their vibrant orange color and long fins.

While they are relatively small in size, they can live up to 10 years if given the right care. Goldfish require an aquarium with enough space for them to swim and explore, as well as a diet that includes both dry and live food.

6. Mako Shark (Chum).

Mako sharks, also known as Chums, are one of the most recognizable fish species in Finding Nemo. They are large predatory fish that can reach lengths of up to 8 feet and speeds of up to 40 mph.

Makos feed on a variety of prey including squid, other smaller sharks, and even turtles. These impressive predators have piercing grey eyes and sharp teeth that make them look intimidating. But despite their appearance, they are actually quite timid and not particularly aggressive towards people.

7. Sea Turtles (Crush & Squirt).

Sea Turtles play an important role in the underwater world featured in the movie “Finding Nemo”. Two of the most memorable characters are Crush and Squirt, two turtles who befriend Marlin and Dory on their journey.

Crush is an ancient sea turtle who serves as a mentor to Marlin and his son, Nemo. He is the leader of a pod of turtles, and speaks in a surfer-like accent. His age gives him a wise and fatherly attitude, which he uses to impart wisdom on Marlin’s journey.

Squirt is Crush’s son and Nemo’s friend. Squirt is an energetic young turtle with playful energy who helps to keep Marlin and Dory entertained on their travels. Squirt loves playing games and helping his father, Crush, with the pod.

8. Black & White Damselfish (Deb).

Also known as the “Garibaldi” or “Goldie’s Damsel”, these fish are endemic to the waters of California and Mexico. They are brightly colored with black stripes over their white bodies and can grow up to 8 inches in length.

These tough little fish have been popular within the aquarium trade since they were first discovered in 1853.

Like other Damselfish, black and white Damsels are highly territorial and will defend their area from intruders. They have been known to live up to 15 years, but tend to be aggressive towards tank mates of the same species.

They are omnivores who feed mainly on algae, plankton and small invertebrates. In the wild, they can be found at depths of up to 90 meters, living among reefs and rocky outcrops.

In “Finding Nemo”, Deb is an adventurous black and white Damselfish who often speaks before she thinks. She also serves as a companion to Marlin and Dory and provides insight and comic relief throughout the movie. While Deb is often overlooked as a main character, she plays an important role in helping Marlin with his mission to rescue Nemo.

9. Surgeon Fish (Dory).

The character Dory, made famous by the movie “Finding Nemo” is an example of a surgeon fish. Surgeon fish are found in tropical waters around the world, and have sharp spines located near their tale that can be used as a defensive mechanism against predators.

These fish also have relatively long life spans, with some living up to 25 years in the wild. They feed off of a variety of different foods, like plankton, algae and small crustaceans. The vibrant blue stripes that are featured on Dory’s body are also found on many other surgeon fish.

Surgeon fish can grow up to 18 inches in length, so they need plenty of room to swim and explore. A single tank should be at least 150 gallons for one adult, so it’s important to make sure you have a large enough tank if you are planning on having one of these fish as a pet. They can get along with other peaceful species in the tank, making them an excellent addition to any community aquarium.

10. Moorish Idol (Gill).

This species of fish, featured in the movie “Finding Nemo” is a type of angelfish native to the warm waters near Japan, Indonesia, and Australia. It has a yellow body decorated with vertical black and white stripes and a trailing filament from its dorsal fin.

The Moorish Idol can grow up to 20 cm long making it one of the larger angelfish species. As with many of its relatives, it is a rather difficult fish to keep in captivity so it’s best left in its natural habitat.

In “Finding Nemo”, the character Gill is one of Marlin and Dory’s guides on their journey across the ocean. This species is seen as a symbol of perseverance and hope, due to its ability to brave strong currents and long distances.

11. Royal Gramma Basslet (Gurgle).

Gurgle is Marlin’s best friend and companion in “Finding Nemo”. He is a small vibrant purple and yellow colored fish who stands out among other reef fish. He has a tendency to be overly dramatic and quirky, often saying the wrong things at the wrong times.

Despite these faults, he is very loyal to Marlin and helps him out of tight spots. He is a Royal Gramma Basslet, also known as the fairy basslet or rainbow basslet, and is found in shallow waters around reefs in the Caribbean and the western Atlantic Ocean.

They usually grow to about 3-4 inches long and can live up to 10 years. Their diet consists mostly of small crustaceans, plankton, and other tiny aquatic creatures. They tend to live in pairs or small groups and are relatively peaceful fish.

12. Pacific Cleaner Shrimp (Jacques).

Jacques plays a major role in Finding Nemo as he is Marlin and Dory’s first friend they meet while searching for Nemo.

Jacques is very careless, often bringing up topics that make Marlin uncomfortable or overemotional. He is also quite clumsy and forgetful, which often causes him to lose his belongings.

13. European Flounder (Mr. Johannsen).

Found in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Mr. Johannsen is a European flounder who acts as a “guardian” of Nemo and his schoolmates at the dentist’s office aquarium.

He speaks with a German accent and communicates mostly through grunts, barks, and gestures. His role in the movie is to act as a mentor to Nemo and his friends, providing them with advice, encouragement, and protection.

With his experience as an older fish who has survived in the wild for many years, Mr. Johannsen is able to advise them on how to protect themselves from predators and survive in the dentist’s aquarium.

European Flounder have a flat, round body shape that allows them to blend in with the sea floor. They are usually brown or grey in color and can change their skin pattern to match their surroundings.

They live primarily in shallow coastal waters, but can also be found in deeper ocean habitats. European Flounder feed on small fish, crustaceans, worms, and molluscs. They are a popular choice for aquariums due to their attractive colors and calm demeanor.

14. Spotted Eagle Ray (Mr. Ray).

The Spotted Eagle Ray is found throughout the Indo-Pacific Ocean, ranging from India to Polynesia.

It is a gentle giant of the sea with an elongated body, flat and broad head, and a distinctive white spotted pattern on its back. This ray can grow up to almost six feet in length and weigh around 400 pounds!

15. Clownfish (Nemo & Marlin).

Clownfish are native to warm waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. They live in anemones, using the stinging tentacles as protection from predators. The clownfish can change gender from male to female if needed for breeding.

16. Seastar (Peach).

Peach is a Seastar found in the 2003 Pixar movie “Finding Nemo.” She’s an expert navigator and helps guide Marlin, Dory, and their friends to Sydney Harbor. Peach has five orange and purple striped legs that are covered with small bumps.

Her body is predominantly white with yellow polka-dots near her mouth. She’s a chatty fish, always offering up her two-cents on any situation. Peach is an important character in the movie and a loveable part of the Nemo gang!

In real life, Seastars actually have five to fifty legs and can be found in oceans all around the world. They are echinoderms and their bodies are made up of hard plates. They use suction cups on the underside of their legs to cling onto rocks or coral. Seastars also have an unusual method of eating – they’ll suck food into their stomachs through a tiny hole in the center!

17. Longnose Butterflyfish (Tad & Bill).

Longnose Butterflyfish is found in a wide range of tropical and subtropical waters. They typically inhabit shallow, coastal reefs but have been recorded at depths up to 75m.

These bold-colored fish can reach lengths of up to 20cm and exhibit bright yellow, white and black stripes along their bodies.

18. Anglerfish (The Black Seadevil).

The Anglerfish is one of the most iconic characters in Finding Nemo, and for good reason. This fish species is native to deep ocean regions and can reach up to 12 inches in size. It has a large head, with a long filament extending from its forehead that it uses as both bait and a lure for prey.

Its sharp teeth allow it to easily capture and swallow its prey. Furthermore, the Anglerfish has an organ on its head that emits a bright light, making it easy for them to navigate their deep-sea environment. This unique adaptation makes them one of the most fascinating species in the movie and also helps explain why they are so prominent in Finding Nemo.


In conclusion, “Finding Nemo” is a beloved animated film that showcases many different kinds of fish species. From the iconic Clownfish to the Royal Blue Tang, there are many beautiful and unique fish featured in this movie. While some of these species can be found in pet stores, others are only seen in their natural habitats.


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